Symptom network analysis definition
Symptom network analysis definition

symptom network analysis definition

The colors of the nodes represent different domains. The width of the edges is proportional to the absolute value of the edge-weight. (A: Baseline B: Month 12) Blue edges indicate positive associations and red edges indicate negative associations. Including individual item scores of PHQ-9 as measures of depression. Secondary networks depicting partial correlations between fatigue and variables of physical disability, affective disorders, cognitive performance, sleep quality, and structural brain imaging. Abbreviation: FSS=Fatigue Severity Scale EDSS=Expanded Disability Status Scale zT25FW= Z score of Timed 25 Foot Walk test BMI=Body Mass Index z9-HPT= Z score of Nine Hole Peg Test zPASAT=Z score of Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test SDMT=Symbol Digit Modality Test PHQ-9=Patient Heath Questionnaire-9 GAD-7=Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 instrument SLEEP = Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale-problems sleeping WMH=Whole-brain white matter hyperintensity volume cGM=cortical grey matter volume BG=basal ganglia volume THALA=thalamus volume.įig. The colours of the nodes represent different domains. Including PHQ-9 sum scores as measures of depression. Primary networks depicting partial correlations between fatigue and variables of physical disability, affective disorders, cognitive performance, sleep quality, and structural brain imaging.

Symptom network analysis definition